Wheelchair Car Design

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Wheelchair Car Design af Mind Map: Wheelchair Car Design

1. When you arrive at the car you drive the wheelchair close to the car the door will open and the lift will come down and the wheelchair will automatically drive onto the lift and the lift will go up and you can drive the car then.

2. The wheelchair will be electric and it will charge in the car when it drives in and is in place a electric cable will come out of the frame of the car and automatically plug into it.

3. The wheelchair will fit into the car perfectly. The wheelchair is on a lift in the car when you stop the lift puts the wheelchair down and you can drive away. on the wheelchair

4. There is a GPS on the wheelchair so it knows when it is close to the car. It will have sensors on the corners of the wheelchair so when it automaticaly drives into the car it will know where to go

5. The car will be driven manual and it will have an automatic gear box. The accelerator will be like a plane throttle you will push it forward to accelerate and pull it back to brake.

6. Focus on the wheelchair and how it gets into the car and don't focus on the car much.

7. The wheelchair will be a separate thing and it will can drive around without it needing to be to be with the car (it ca just function like a wheelchair all by its self.)

8. The car will need the the wheelchair inside it because it has no driver seat the wheelchair is the seat.

9. The lift will come down then it will extend out so you can drive onto it and the wheels wont have to make the wheels turn 90 degrees.