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My PLN af Mind Map: My PLN

1. Career Goals

1.1. Teach second - fourth grade

1.2. Teach math in Middle School

1.3. Move up into administration, Principal of an Elementary School

2. Resources

2.1. YouTube

2.2. Reddit

2.3. Ted Talk

2.4. Google Plus

2.5. Twitter

2.6. Pinterest

2.7. Class Dojo

2.8. Twitter

3. What I can contribute

3.1. 6+ Years of volunteering in an Elementary School

3.2. Substitute Teacher for 2 years

3.3. Experience using different technologies with different grade levels

3.4. 4 years of customer Service

3.5. 2 years of Management experience

4. What I want to Learn

4.1. Classroom Management for different grade levels

4.2. How to better integrate technology in the classroom

4.3. Resources for project-based learning

4.4. Resources for game-based learning

4.5. When and where to optimize learning technology