Online Domination

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Online Domination af Mind Map: Online Domination

1. Website

1.1. Business Plan & Demand

1.2. Web Plan, Design, Monetization, SEO onsite build

1.3. Keyword & Domain Matching

1.4. Content Generation , the more the better & mix it

1.5. Offsite - Backlinks & Social

1.6. Track Results including Conversion

1.7. Ems/Aipp- under a single mega site, less effort and faster results and more trust from Google

2. Offsite Efforts

3. Action Items

3.1. Website

3.2. Delegation

3.3. Follow up with Team

3.4. Track Results including Rankings, Leads, Sales

4. Delegation

4.1. Content

4.1.1. Video production & editing JAMES Story and Participants

4.1.2. Blog

4.1.3. JAMES FOR Landing pages customized for end clients, agents, investors

4.1.4. Social all channels via hootsuite