ERP - Production Planning, Manufacturing - (Tellium - ycfoERP)

ERP - Production Planning

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ERP - Production Planning, Manufacturing - (Tellium - ycfoERP) af Mind Map: ERP - Production Planning, Manufacturing - (Tellium - ycfoERP)

1. PP - Production Planning, Manufacturing

1.1. PP02-Production Queue (Schedule Production for any production / Finished Good)

1.1.1. PP02-01 Production Version (Finished Goods received)

1.1.2. PP02-02 Production Packing Order

1.1.3. PP02-03 Production Version (The production version is the link between a product BOM (Bill of Material) and the process Routing)

1.2. PP-S01- Material Recipes (Formally structured list of the components that make up a product or assembly)

1.3. PP-S02 Work Center (Work center is an organization unit where manufacturing activities are performed)

1.4. PP-S03 Routing (A routing is a description of which operations or list of activities has to be carried out during the production and planning process.)

2. ST-01 Delivery Packing Sheet (Finished Good)

3. Purchase

3.1. PO-Purchase Order

3.1.1. ST-PI01 GRN Purchase Invoice Payment GRN Quality Control

3.2. Direct Purchase Invoice

3.2.1. Payment

4. Sales

4.1. Direct Sale Invoice

4.1.1. Reciept

4.2. Sale Order

4.2.1. Delivery Order Dispatch Sale Invoice

5. Accounts

5.1. Journal Voucher Entry

5.2. Chart Of Account

5.3. General Ledger

5.4. Bank Accounts Information

6. Document Approval System Quality Control

7. Company Notifications, Documents Notifications,

8. ST-I01 Opening Stock

9. ST-O01 Inventory Out

10. ST-I02 Inventory In

11. User Setup

11.1. US - 01 Roles

11.1.1. US - 02 Menu Assign Policy (Roles have custom list of menus)

11.2. US-03 User Management (Manage user, assign roles,assign store, change password, assign store, assign document approval, custom notification)

12. Item Setup

12.1. IS-01 Item Types (Finished Goods, Raw Material, General)

12.1.1. IS-02 Item Category/Sub Category

13. Office/Company Information

13.1. Stores Information

13.1.1. Store Types (Warehouse, Sale Center, Production)