H5P components for moodle

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H5P components for moodle af Mind Map: H5P components for moodle

1. drag and drop

2. mark the words

3. fill in the blanks

4. Each component has a link to a demo of it in action!

5. Interactive video

5.1. Pause a video and make notes or ask questions onscreen. Totally interactive and fun!

6. Guess the answer

6.1. Can reveal answer whether one knows it or not! Only good for bite sized facts

7. Image hotspot

7.1. different pins or points on the image can be clicked on to show more information

7.2. multiple hotspots or just one

7.3. find the hot spot

8. timeline

9. Accordion

9.1. the most common for breaking up information into sections. images can also be added

10. Dialog cards

10.1. Present information simply yet powerfully.

10.2. Flashcards is a quiz and very different.