Explicitly Teaching Thinking Skills

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Explicitly Teaching Thinking Skills af Mind Map: Explicitly Teaching Thinking Skills

1. PYP: What teachers do: Model the language of thinking (such as “I wonder”, “I noticed”, “I inferred”) and reinforce the processes of thinking.

2. PYP: What teachers do: Ask open ended questions

3. PYP: What teachers do: Provide sufficient thinking time

4. Teacher capabilities: reflect on and apply their own inquiry experience to the design of inquiry based learning and teaching in the classroom.

5. PYP: Approaches to Learning - Thinking skills

6. PYP: What teachers do: Use a repertoire of strategies, tools and understandings, teachers work closely with students to co-construct inquiries and reflect regularly on their practice.

7. PYP: What teachers do? Make thinking visible and audible

8. PYP: What teachers do: Implement, teach and model a range of "visible thinking techniques

9. Teacher capabilities: Demonstrate creative and flexible problem solving in their practice

10. PYP: What teachers do: involve students in goal setting. What will you do today to move forward with this learning?