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LEAH af Mind Map: LEAH

1. Background

1.1. Born: Decatur, IL

1.2. Moved to Oklahoma

1.3. Now in TN

2. Who

2.1. Gates

2.2. Outgoing

2.2.1. Goofy

2.3. Funny

3. Things I Love

3.1. Kids

3.2. My Family

3.2.1. Visiting my Illinois family

3.3. Hanging with friends

3.3.1. My best friend, Kiya

3.4. Going out

3.5. Warm weather!!!

3.5.1. The beach

3.6. Music

3.6.1. Rap

4. Future

4.1. Graduate College

4.1.1. Motlow

4.1.2. MTSU

4.2. Become an optometrist

4.3. Move into an apartment

5. Interests

5.1. Swimming

5.1.1. RHS swim team

5.2. Money

5.2.1. Parthenon Grille

5.3. Learning

5.3.1. Health The eyes The brain Psychology

6. Family

6.1. Mother

6.1.1. Oklahoma

6.2. Father

6.2.1. Illinois

6.3. Sister

6.3.1. My nieces Kya Karissa

6.4. Suzy, my dog

7. Needs

7.1. FUN!

7.2. Attention

7.3. Money!!

7.3.1. Job

7.4. Food

7.5. 4 hours of sleep at least