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Education 5015 af Mind Map: Education 5015

1. Week 1

1.1. .

1.2. Educational Psychology-Uses knowledge and methods of psychology and related disciplines to study teaching and learning

1.2.1. Goal- To improve the teaching and learning process

1.3. Be Reflective 1. What happened 2. Why did it happen 3. What might this mean 4.What are the implications of my practice

1.4. Swab - Teacher, Topic, Setting, Student

1.5. Teacher centered vs Student Centered

1.6. Top down vs starting with the end goal

1.7. Connect dots dont collect dots

2. Week 7

2.1. what is intelligence really? how to measure it

2.1.1. Standardized aptitude tests- predict ability to learn a skill or accomplish something with further education

2.1.2. Achievement Test-measure what the student has learned or the skills they have mastered

2.2. the trifecta

2.3. Feedback is effective when it offers information about progress relative to the intended learning goal and about what action to take to reach the intended learning goal. (Hattie & Timperley, 2005

2.4. Get to know your students

2.5. Special Education - Accomidate to learning needs and abilities

2.5.1. High Incidence Expectionalities Mild disabilities Typically include learning disabilities, behavioural disorders, giftedness, and intellectual disabilities

2.5.2. Low-Incidence Exceptionalities Moderate and severe disabilities Typically include autism, hearing and visual impairments, serious health impairments, and multiple disabilities

2.6. People first language

2.7. School systems are not responsible for meeting every need of their students. But when the need directly affects learning, the school must meet the challenge. *****Carnegie Council Task Force (1989)

2.8. UNESCO Inclusive Education

2.8.1. 1 Evolution square pegs for square holes and round for round

2.8.2. 2 Integration make the square pegs round

2.8.3. 3 Inclusion change the holes to fir all pegs all students The Field of Dreams Model 10/21/2018 44 The key issue for inclusion is, therefore, how to make a paradigm shift in research, thinking, and practice happen

3. Week 8

3.1. They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself. Andy Warhol 1928-1987

3.2. Inclusion

3.2.1. Children are different

3.2.2. All children can learn

3.2.3. Different abilities, ethnic groups, size, age, background, gender

3.2.4. Change the system to fit the child

3.3. What is our identity -> what makes us ... us ?

3.4. Diversity in schools

3.4.1. Languages spoken

3.4.2. Aboriginal students

3.4.3. One-parent families

3.4.4. Same-sex couples

3.4.5. Newcomers to Canada

3.4.6. Religions practised

3.5. Individualism vs collectivism

3.6. Challenge out of biases

3.7. Create inclusive environemtnts student centered

3.8. Aboriginal Education in pedagogy

4. Week 9

4.1. it is time for compulsory schooling to be transformed into compulsory learning. This simple shift ---- from a focus on teaching to a focus on learning – has profound implications for schools - Larry Lezotte

4.2. How culture drives behaviors - ted talk

4.3. How do we know we are making a difference

4.4. Standardized tests

4.4.1. Provincial/Territorial • Different uses including math and literacy testing at certain grade levels and Grade 12 exit exams

4.4.2. Federal • Achievement levels of 13 year olds (math, reading, and science)

4.4.3. Criterion vs norm referenced

4.5. Always ask why is there a test? Who is it for ? Is there ea political agenda? What do the results really mean? What is being measured?


5. Week 2

5.1. Adora Child Genius ted talk- "When was the last time you were called childish?"

5.2. Growth Mindset

5.2.1. intelligence can be developed, training resilience like muscles at the gym, the way we look at and embrace challenges

5.3. teach students HOW to learn

5.4. Pros and Cons of knowing info about students before you meet them

5.5. Pause Day concept can be applied in a non pause system

5.6. Zone of Proximal Development

5.6.1. 1. What I cant do

5.6.2. 2. What I can do with help

5.6.3. 3. What I can do

5.7. Principles of Development

5.7.1. Continuity

5.7.2. Sentimentality

5.7.3. Generality to Specificity

5.7.4. Differentiality

5.7.5. Head down and center to outwords

5.7.6. Depends on maturation and learning

6. Week 4

6.1. Help Create resilient children

6.2. To change the class change the teacher

6.2.1. More can be done to improve the quality of education by improving the effectiveness of teaching than by any other single factor (J. Hattie)

6.2.2. Instructional Strategy Choices such as cooperative learning, and the use of homework and questions

6.3. School systems are not responsible for meeting every need of their students. But when the need directly affects learning, the school must meet the challenge. *****Carnegie Council Task Force (1989)

6.3.1. Children do Well if they Can If they can’t, we adults need to figure out WHY, so we can help Your explanation guides your intervention!!! Dr. Ross Green

6.4. Self Efficacy vs self regulation

6.5. When Planning consider 1. learning profile 2 interests 3 readiness


7. Week 3

7.1. Theories of learning and teaching

7.1.1. Behavioral Understanding Learning Contiguity and classical conditioning operant conditioning applied behavior analysis puttign it all together thinking about behaviour problems and issues diversity and convergences in behavioral learning

7.1.2. Cognitive: - used to attend to, select, and construct meaning from stimuli and knowledge from experience”Ž (Wittrock, 1982, pp. 1…2, in text) Mental Processes exist and are important to learning intentions goals ideas memories emotions actively used to attend to select and construct meaning from stimuli and knowledge from experience”Ž (Wittrock, 1982, pp. 1…2, in text)

7.1.3. Social Cognitive and Constructionist: Learners are active in constructing their own personal knowledge –they actively seek meaning Learning includes developing skills to solve problems, think critically, answer questions, accept multiple views Social negotiating is important to knowledge construction /learning Self-determination is needed to further knowledge development

7.2. Scaffolding to create success

7.3. Differentiated Instruction so important

8. Week 6

8.1. Culture shift moving from the gradign culture teacher as a judge to a learnign culture teacher as a coahc.

8.2. Student state of mind A student’s emotional reaction to his/her results will determine what that student does in response

8.3. Look at the purpose of assessment when picking the format

8.4. Backwards design

8.5. If we plant lettuce and the Lettuce does not grow, we don’t blame the lettuce. We look for reasons why It isn’t doing well Thich Nhat Hahn from Peace is Every Step

8.6. Assessment

8.6.1. 1 Identify Desired Results

8.6.2. 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence

8.6.3. 3 Plan learning experiences and instructions


9. Week 5

9.1. What motivates students to learn

9.1.1. Challenging and meaningful tasks

9.1.2. Being able to effectively use learning strategies

9.1.3. Having teacher support

9.1.4. Being required to demonstrate knowledge

9.1.5. Feeling that the teacher cares for them

9.2. Diagnostic Assessment

9.3. Backwards Design

9.4. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) By: Sara Yavorsky Universal Design for Learning “UDL provides a blueprint for creating instructional goals, methods, materials, and assessments that work for everyone--not a single, one-size-fits-all solution but rather flexible approaches that can be customized and adjusted for individual needs.”

9.5. Developmentally appropriate schools

9.6. Blooms taxonomy of needs

9.6.1. 1. Knowledge

9.6.2. 2. Comprehension

9.6.3. 3. Application

9.6.4. 4.Analysis

9.6.5. 5. Synthesis

9.6.6. 6. Evaluation

9.7. Developmentally appropriate schools vs direct instruction schools

9.7.1. Metaphor: Child as Explorer Have active learners More playful learning (guided play) Whole child approach -- brains and heart Integrated curricula

9.7.2. Direct instruction schools Metaphor: Child as empty vessel metaphor More passive learners Learning is more compartmentalized, 10AM it’s math!