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Teacher roles af Mind Map: Teacher roles

1. The Leader

1.1. Showing the way

1.2. Teach by example

1.3. Energetic

2. The Master

2.1. Apprenticeship

2.2. Learning by doing

3. The Expert

3.1. Experience

3.2. Knowledge

3.3. The Critic

4. The Pedagoge

4.1. Early in the semester

5. The Insipirer

5.1. Getting students excited

5.2. Leading students to topics that interest them

6. The lecturer

6.1. The transmission metapher

6.2. Sharing knowledge

6.3. Introducer

7. The Facilitator

7.1. Helping construct knowledge

7.2. The Ignorant Schoolmaster

7.3. Setting the frame

7.4. Relinquishing control

8. The Supervisor

8.1. Sparring partner

8.2. Sounding board

8.3. Gatekeeper

8.4. Challenger

9. The Instructor

9.1. Have 'read the ending of the book'

9.2. Peer

9.3. Insider tips

10. The Examinator

10.1. Feedback

10.2. Assessment

11. The 'friend'/buddy

11.1. Emotional support

11.2. Encouragement

11.3. Informal meetings