Eyes and Ears

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Eyes and Ears af Mind Map: Eyes and Ears

1. Sound

1.1. Vibration

1.2. sound waves

1.3. Need air to make sound.

2. Eye

2.1. Iris

2.2. Retina

2.3. Eye Ball

2.4. optic nerve

2.5. Pupil

2.6. lens

2.7. Optic Nerve

2.8. Conjunctiva

3. Ear

3.1. Auricle

3.2. Hammer

3.3. Ear Drum

3.4. Pinna

3.5. cochlea

3.6. anvil

3.7. stirrup

3.8. Semicircular canals

4. Light

4.1. Luminous

4.2. Bioluminous

4.3. Incandescent

4.4. vacuum

5. Inventions that can help us see

5.1. Help us see things

5.1.1. Magnifying glass

5.1.2. Telescope

5.1.3. Microscope Electron microscope Light microscope

5.1.4. Binoculars

5.2. Vision Aid

5.2.1. Contact Lenses

5.2.2. Glasses

6. Inventions that can help us hear

6.1. Hearing aids

6.2. cochlear implant

7. types of eyes

7.1. pit eye

7.2. pinhole eye

7.3. spherical lensed eye

7.4. multiple lensed

7.5. refractive cornea

8. New node