What makes a good school?

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What makes a good school? af Mind Map: What makes a good school?

1. Culture

1.1. Core Aspects

1.1.1. Symbols

1.1.2. Traditions

1.1.3. Rituals

1.1.4. Core Beliefs and Values

1.2. The way things are done and why

1.3. Provide meaning to students, teachers and parents with the aim to help shape the lives of everyone in the school community

2. School choices in Australia

2.1. Catholic School (18%)

2.2. Public (Government) School (66%)

2.3. Independent School (16%)

2.4. Differences

2.4.1. Funding

2.4.2. Employment process

2.4.3. Additional requirements & responsibilities

2.5. Similarities

2.5.1. Curriculum

2.5.2. Report to Government

3. By Sharnee Petersen (19110626)

4. Effective schools

4.1. Informal Curriculum

4.1.1. Quality of staff

4.1.2. Professionalism

4.1.3. Discipline

4.1.4. Sense of community

4.2. Formal Curriculum

4.2.1. To know and understand

4.2.2. To value

4.2.3. To be able to

4.3. Transmission, Transaction and Transformation

4.4. Effective schools accomplish what they set out to do

5. Catholic Education

5.1. Structure of the Catholic Church

5.1.1. Diocese Geographical unit

5.1.2. Bishop Leader of Diocese

5.1.3. Parish Local church within Diocese

5.1.4. Priest Leader of parish

5.2. 'Whole person'

5.2.1. Mind

5.2.2. Body

5.2.3. Heart

5.2.4. Soul

5.3. Faith in God amongst the school community (teachers, parents and students)