A data analyst trainee looking to provide insights from data to inform business decisions

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A data analyst trainee looking to provide insights from data to inform business decisions af Mind Map: A data analyst trainee looking to provide insights from data to inform business decisions

1. Skills

1.1. Transferable

1.1.1. Communication skills on client / consultant basis

1.1.2. Team player on conjoint projects

1.1.3. Presentation skills

1.2. Technical

1.2.1. Used Matlab to write project assignments

1.2.2. Used Python to build the practicum project

1.2.3. Web content management Customize client websites

1.2.4. Research and analytical skills

2. Academic Projects

2.1. Practicum project

2.1.1. VGGnet like facial emotion recognition application

2.2. Information security project

2.2.1. Research paper on the prospects and challenges of developing a cryptocurrency for transactions in Rwanda (Rwandacoin)

2.3. Strategic use of digital information in enterprises

2.3.1. The use of social media as a marketing tool

2.4. ICT business economics

2.4.1. Business plan formulation for a business project

3. Community/volunteering work

3.1. Volunteered to teach Somali kids in Malaysian refugee camps

3.2. Vice president of the software engineering club with focus in business strategy and industrial relations

4. Academic experience

4.1. Data science courses

4.1.1. Data inference and machine learning

4.1.2. Data analytics

4.2. The fundamentals of Information security

4.3. IT entrepreneurship

4.3.1. Strategic use of digital information in enterprises

4.3.2. Africa venture funding

4.3.3. Tech startups tools and techniques

5. Professional experience

5.1. Web designer

5.1.1. Web content management

5.1.2. Update and troubleshoot client websites

5.2. Security systems analyst

5.2.1. Carry out security systems assessment

5.2.2. Carry out preventive measures to account for possible system anomalies

5.2.3. Perform risk assessment

6. Awards

6.1. Smart Africa scholarship recepient