Personal Learning Network

Plan your website and create the next important tasks for get your project rolling

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Personal Learning Network af Mind Map: Personal Learning Network

1. YouTube

1.1. Music download

1.2. Recipies

1.3. Lectures

1.4. Watch Films

1.5. National & International News

2. Gmail

2.1. Send mails

2.2. Receive mails

2.3. Back up Pictures

3. AliExpress

3.1. Online Shopping

4. Google

4.1. L'Express

4.2. Etudes Litté

4.3. Pinterest

4.4. Babelio


5. Whatsapp

5.1. Personal chat

5.2. Group Chat

5.3. Calls

6. Facebook

6.1. Upload Status

6.2. Share pictures

6.2.1. Online shopping

6.3. Chat

6.3.1. Calls