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Supporting learning outcomes af Mind Map: Supporting learning outcomes

1. Oral medicine

1.1. Blood disorders

1.1.1. Anaemia

1.1.2. Hemorrhagic disorders

1.2. Autoimmune & Inflammatory

1.3. Cardio vascular

1.4. Respiratory

1.5. GI

1.6. Facial Pain

2. Infection

2.1. Bacterial

2.1.1. Odontogenic

2.1.2. Non Odontogenic Streptococci Scarlet Fever Syphilis Tuberculosis

2.2. Fungal

2.2.1. Candidiasis

2.3. Viral

2.3.1. Herpes

2.3.2. Varicella

2.3.3. Mumps

2.3.4. HIV

2.4. Hep B

3. Trauma

3.1. Periorbital trauma

3.2. Mandibular Fractures

3.3. Midface fractures

3.4. Assessment of facial trauma

4. Developmental bony patholgy

5. Soft tissue pathology

5.1. Pre malignant lesions

5.1.1. Benign white patches

5.2. Diseases of oral mucosa

5.2.1. Infections

5.2.2. Autoimmune

5.3. Developmental disorders of tongue

5.4. Benign lumps and swelling

6. Oncology

6.1. Salivary gland pathology

7. Hard tissue Pathology

7.1. Jaw cysts&Tumors

7.1.1. Odontogenic

7.1.2. Fissural

7.2. Fibroepithelial lesions