nervous system mind map

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nervous system mind map af Mind Map: nervous system mind map

1. parts of the eye 1.choroid right underneath the iris 2. conjuctivia it is the mucus layer that protects the inner eye 3. cornea is the protective layer at the front of the eye 4. the iris the coloured part of the eye helps regulate the colour that comes in 5. lens this is used to control how much light comes in

2. action potential step one resting potential sodium and potassium ion channels are closed two they start to go through the process of repolarization then the refractory phase

3. reflex arc

4. brain function

5. all of the sensory organs are touch smell and the ears they all send signals to the brain to tell our brain that there is something not right going on with our body or something good

6. the calcium ions play an important role in the functioning of nervous system expansion and contraction of blood vessels muscle contraction and hormone production

7. eye defectsAge-Related Macular Degeneration. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the physical disturbance of the center of the retina called the macula. Bulging Eyes. ... Cataracts. ... Cataracts in Babies. ... CMV Retinitis. ... Color Blindness. ... Crossed Eyes (Strabismus) ... Diabetic Macular Edema.

8. ear and its function and parts

9. ear functions the sound waves travel through the ear starting at the auditory canal then it goes down vibrates the tympanic membrane then it strikes the oval window then which passes on to the fluid in the cochlea

10. Pns and CNS. Pns is involved with the all the nerves and the surrounding area around the brain and the spinal cord where as the cns is just the nerves in the spinal cord and the brain

11. the sympathetic nervous system is the part in our body that prepares us for fight or flight be telling our kidney to secrete adrenaline and parasympathetic brings our body back to homeostasis

12. myelin sheath the myelin sheath acts as a conductor making sure that the impulse gets passed down the axon. and a bunch of bundles make a nerve the axon produces an electrical impulse away and to the body

13. the brain on drugs and whats affected

14. neurotransmitter the neurotransmitter send out signals through our body to tell our brain and the other functions on how they are supposed to run and how they are supposed to move