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my network af Mind Map: my network

1. nikki (friend): works at superstore- could help me get a job there

1.1. nikki's coworkers: could know people who work at places that might interest me

2. sabrina (sister): works at the mall- could help me get a job there; could help me figure out what to do for college (she went to OC)

2.1. sabrina's coworker who i've met a few times: is in college and could help me look at options

3. kim (mom): works in the main office of a business- knows a lot of people; could also help me figure out what to do for college (she went to OC)

3.1. my mom's connections: my mom knows a lot of people because of her job- these people might know people who could help me find a career in what I want

4. artists online: there are tons of artists on the internet who could give me advice and resources

5. colour key: green- first degree yellow- second degree white- third degree