Breaking Down STEM In Education

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Breaking Down STEM In Education af Mind Map: Breaking Down STEM In Education

1. Mathematics

1.1. theory

1.1.1. number theory

1.2. statistics

1.2.1. probability

1.3. calulus

1.3.1. differential

1.3.2. integral

1.4. geometry

1.4.1. projective

1.4.2. finite

1.4.3. euclidian

1.4.4. hyperbolic

2. Engineering

2.1. medical and biological

2.2. aeronautical and astronautical

2.2.1. flight mechanics

2.2.2. celestial mechanics

2.3. civil

2.3.1. geotech

2.3.2. structural

2.3.3. transportation

2.4. chemical

2.5. technological

3. Science

3.1. chemistry

3.1.1. physical

3.1.2. analytical

3.2. psychology

3.2.1. clinical

3.2.2. cognitive

3.2.3. forensic

3.3. environmental

3.3.1. biology mammals and non mammals genetics anatomy botany genetics anatomy

4. Technology

4.1. coding

4.1.1. Python

4.1.2. PHP

4.1.3. Ruby

4.2. IT security

4.2.1. critical infrastructure security

4.2.2. cloud security

4.2.3. network security

4.3. data programming

4.3.1. hardware and software design

4.3.2. web design