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Test Team af Mind Map: Test Team

1. Machines

1.1. Number of machines

1.2. Machine details repository - who maintains

1.3. Login credentials

1.4. Machine Image for QA

2. Templates

2.1. Is there a common blog page where the details are saved?

2.2. New joinee goes through the pages before asking

2.3. How frequently is that updated

3. Test Data

3.1. Test files

3.2. Sample files

3.3. Customer files

3.4. Problem files

3.5. Where will this be stored

3.6. Who has access to edit/read-only

4. Development Interaction

4.1. Formal interaction

4.1.1. Should TL be in CC?

4.1.2. What should I do when faced with problem

4.2. Informal interaction

5. Test Suite

5.1. test case

5.2. test link tool?

5.3. any format?

5.4. checklist

5.5. repository of all tests for a product/project

5.6. repository of all test results for a product/project

6. Bug Reporting

6.1. Any specific template to be followed

6.2. Tool to be used

6.3. Backup of bugs

6.4. What if tool is down

6.5. Bug rejected

6.6. Bug postponed

7. Requirement Analysis

7.1. How will we do it

7.2. When will we do it

7.3. What should be the outcome

8. Meetings

8.1. Weekly QA meeting

8.2. Monthly meeting with Dev lead to discuss Dev-QA relations

8.3. Meeting with management to update status

9. Build Process

9.1. When will we get builds - specific day/time

9.2. Where will they be stored

9.3. Backup of builds?

10. Tools

10.1. Screen capture

10.2. Screen Recorder

10.3. Scripts

10.4. Meeting Organizer