CSR Through Laura's Brain

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CSR Through Laura's Brain af Mind Map: CSR Through Laura's Brain

1. Companies

1.1. Employee Engagement

1.2. D&I

1.3. Corporate Philanthropy

1.3.1. Aligning with Business goals, allows for longevity w/ non-profit partners

1.3.2. Make larger impact partnering with fewer NP organizations

1.3.3. Investment in Society

2. Economy

3. UN SDGs

4. Make CSR a business case

5. Unconscious Bias is a real thing!

6. Business as a force for good

7. Industry Coalitions

8. Environment

8.1. Circular Economy

8.1.1. "Less Plastic, Better Plastic, No Plastic"

8.2. Triple Bottom Line

8.3. Some capital isn't owned by anyone but used by everyone

9. Society

9.1. High human development & low ecological impact

10. INTERDEPENDENCE: Globalization, Technology, & Climate Change


11.1. Always correlate back to mission & vision of organization

11.2. Stakeholders & Shareholds

11.3. Always correlate back to mission & vision of organization

11.4. Let's live off nature's income, not consume nature's capital

11.5. Set accountability benchmarks to reach goals

11.6. "Good practices in one area do not offset harm in another

11.7. Programs should create value to the organization

11.8. Buy-in must happen at the top