Prarthana - TOK Essay Title Unpacking ( “One way to assure the health of a discipline is to nurtu...

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Prarthana - TOK Essay Title Unpacking ( “One way to assure the health of a discipline is to nurture contrasting perspectives. af Mind Map: Prarthana - TOK Essay Title Unpacking ( “One way to assure the health of a discipline is to nurture contrasting perspectives.

1. Keywords

1.1. Health- this has connotations of sustainability

1.1.1. discipline- there is a sense of duty

2. Key Phrases

2.1. discipline is to nurture contrasting perspectives

2.1.1. Discipline has connotations of duty- it is insinuating that in order to assure a sustainable efficient outcome one must nurture contrasting perspectives

3. Rewrite

3.1. In order to ensure a sustainable conclusion is through understanding different interpretations of a concept

4. Rewrite

4.1. Math- Discovery in Math is a result of collaboration of numerous experts in the field

4.2. Subject 2

4.3. Subject 3

5. Connections to Classes

5.1. Subject 1

5.1.1. AOK

5.1.2. RLE/PK Connections Math- Point of contention: Math is the ultimate way of knowing WOK: Reason One way to ensure a certain outcome is through the use of mathematics