Learner-centred education

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Learner-centred education af Mind Map: Learner-centred education

1. Student decides

1.1. WHAT they learn

1.2. HOW they learn

2. Teacher's role

2.1. Facilitator/mentor/guide

2.1.1. Practice, Practice Practice!

2.1.2. Challenge, not threaten

2.2. Encourage

2.2.1. Curiosity

2.2.2. Spirit of inquiry and discovery Field Visits Multidisciplinary & Multi-source learning

2.2.3. Self-discipline

2.2.4. Self and peer learning Think pair share & other forms of group work

2.2.5. Self-correction Reflection - am I on the right path?

2.2.6. peer assessment

3. Learning experience

3.1. Personalised

3.2. Teacher as facilitator/mentor/guide

3.3. Interactive

3.4. Reflective

3.5. Create active processes

3.6. Focuses on both sense (logical) and meaning (personal relevance)

4. Inquiry based learning

4.1. Asking questions

4.2. Independent or group research

4.3. Visual Mapping

4.4. Deductions & Inferences

4.5. Articulation and conclusion

4.6. Reflection