Modal Verbs Are the Same For All people and are always followed by an infinitive. Also, They do n...

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Modal Verbs Are the Same For All people and are always followed by an infinitive. Also, They do not need help to form the negative and interrogative af Mind Map: Modal Verbs Are the Same For All people and are always followed by an infinitive. Also, They do not need help to form the negative and interrogative

1. Examples to ''Should''

1.1. It should be ready now// deberías estar listo a esa hora

1.2. So, what should she pack? // Entonces que debería empacar

2. Deberías Bañar al perro // you should bathe the dog

2.1. Ella No debería hablar conduciendo // She should not talk driving

2.2. ¿Debería Ir a comer? // Should I go eat?

3. Modal Verbs that are invariable, that is , they are formed the same with all personal pronouns in this cause we will see the use modal '' should''

3.1. The importan aspects, take into account are the following

3.1.1. El '' Should'' se usa para dar consejos o hacer recomendaciones a lo que se debe o no se debe hacer

3.1.2. Sus respuestas deben ser cortas empleando +. Should i open the Door -Yes, You Should +no,you shouldn't

3.1.3. Los Modales van seguidos de otro verbo sin la preposición ''To''