Forces and Motion Topic

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Forces and Motion Topic af Mind Map: Forces and Motion Topic

1. temperature – eg 10 degrees Celsius (°C) mass – eg 5 kilograms (kg) energy – eg 2,000 joules (J) distance – eg 19 metres (m) speed – eg 8 metres per second (m/s) density – eg 1,500 kilograms per metre cubed (kg/m3)

2. Electricity P = V x I. power = voltage x current. V = I x R. voltage = current x resistance. Q = I x t. charge = current x time. E = V x Q. energy = voltage x charge. E = V x I x t. energy = voltage x current x time. Transformer Equation: Total cost = number of units x cost per unit.

3. When drag is equal to weight, there is no net external force on the object and the vertical acceleration goes to zero. With no acceleration, the object falls at a constant velocity as described by Newton's first law of motion. The constant vertical velocity is called the terminal velocity

4. This shows motion graphs

5. Energy Efficiency (%) = (useful energy out ÷ total energy in) x 100. GPE = mgh. GPE = mass x gravity x height. KE = ½mv2. Kinetic Energy = 0·5 x mass x velocity2. W = F x d. work done = force x distance. W = E. work done = energy transferred. P = E ÷ t. power = energy ÷ time. E = c x m x θ. energy = specific heat capacity x mass x change in temperature.

6. Forces and Motion s = d ÷ t. speed = distance ÷ time. a = (v-u) ÷ t. acceleration = change in velocity ÷ time. F = m x a. Force = mass x acceleration. w = m x g. weight = mass x gravity. p = m x v. momentum = mass x velocity. (mv - mu) = F x t. change in momentum = Force x time. d = m ÷ v. density = mass ÷ volume. p = F ÷ a. pressure = force ÷ area. m = F x d. moment = force x perpendicular distance from pivot. Waves v = f x λ. velocity = frequency x wavelength.