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1. Content Validity Evidence

1.1. Examines a test to make sure that it properly covers and includes all areas that the teacher wants to be tested.

2. Criterion-Related Validity Evidence

2.1. An outside criterion connects test scores. Includes Concurrent and Predictive Validity.

3. Construct Validity Evidence:

3.1. Support and evidence actually measure what the theory believe they should.

4. Concurrent Validity

4.1. Administering a reputable test and a new test subsequently to compare test results using numerical measurement.

5. Predictive Validity

5.1. Administering a test and then administering another at a future date to later correlate them to measure a coefficient.

6. Test-Retest Reliability

6.1. Tests are given at different times and then test scores are correlated.

7. Alternative Form Reliability

7.1. Two equal tests are administered under the same conditions at different times to compare and determine correlation.

8. Internal Consistency Reliability

8.1. One test item is measured and measures consistancy and correlation between other similar questions

9. Split-Half Reliability/Odd-Even

9.1. Two tests are divided in half and scored on each half. These scores are examined for correlation.