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Fur breakfast af Mind Map: Fur breakfast

1. Wild

1.1. Ancient time drinking

1.2. People living outside of civilizations

2. Animal fur

2.1. Different direction

3. Combination of color

3.1. muted gray and beige

3.2. relaxed

4. tastes same?

5. Desirable to touch

6. Not desirable to drink from

7. Hint to something that is actually exists

8. No function

8.1. No purpose

8.2. A cup a useful and everyday use object

8.3. Impossible to use

9. scary

10. Texture

10.1. Soft

10.2. Pointed

10.3. not sharp

11. Skin of dirty polar bear

12. doesn't disgust

13. Exotic

14. Joke?

14.1. part of a surrealism

14.2. entertaining

14.2.1. funny

15. unreal / can't be used on its purpose but reminds of a real object