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Brave Wings af Mind Map: Brave Wings

1. Head of Marketing (Andrii) - Marketing strategy - Content planing - Lead generation - Copywriting

1.1. Designer for social - Make banners - Make video (shots) - Dribbble shot - Behance case - Case on site

1.2. Copywriter - Write short article - Description for Video (shot)

1.3. Targetologist - Make ads company - Optimize price per click

1.4. SEO - Optimize site

2. Head of Sales (Andrii) - Presale phase - Follow-up letters - Proposals - Reporting

3. Accounting (Andrii) - Invoice - Tax - Salary - Planning

3.1. Accountant ( ) - Tax

3.2. Accountant (Andrii) - Invoice - Salary - Planing

4. Head of Operations (Andrii) - Chatting - Project Management - Technical Writing - Operations Coordination

4.1. Lead designer ( !?! ) - Design review - Team education - Discovery with new clients - Communication with clients

4.1.1. Salary $3000

4.1.2. Sep/Oct

4.2. Project manager (Vasya) - Control deadlines - Communications with clients - Reports

4.3. Design team

4.3.1. UX/UI Designer (Anton)

4.3.2. UX/UI Designer (Dan)

4.3.3. UX/UI Designer (Tanya)

4.3.4. UX/UI Junior Designer (Vova)

5. Co-Founder (Dima) Part-time

6. Visionary (Andrii) - Full time