Why Integrate Technology

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Why Integrate Technology af Mind Map: Why Integrate Technology

1. Teaching Should Be Different

1.1. they should be lifelong learners

1.2. they must use it effectively

1.3. they should be up to date on technology to help the students

2. Standards are Different

2.1. Level of technology competency expected

2.2. Should be knowledgeable of the standards for technology

2.3. ISTE Standards (Technology Standards)

2.3.1. Copyright & Fair Use Educator 3C. --- Citizen; Mentor students on safe use Student 3D----- Digital; monitor and promote management of personal data

2.3.2. Cyberbullying Educator Help my students become a citizen. They will "create experiences for learner to make positive, social responsible contributions and exhibit empathetic behavior online that builds relationships and community." I will show my students how to correctly use the internet and how they shouldn't engage in cyberbullying Student Help my students become a digital citizen. They will be able to "engage in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using networked devices" I will explain to my students how cyberbullying is bad and how it can affect their friends.

2.4. Ohio Content Standards

2.5. Ohio Technology Standards

2.6. UDL Guidelines

2.6.1. engagement recruiting interest sustaining effort

2.6.2. representation

2.6.3. action and expression

3. Skills are Different

3.1. 21st Century skills

3.1.1. creativity and innovation

3.1.2. communication and collaboration

3.1.3. research and information literacy

3.1.4. critical thinking

3.1.5. nonlinear thinking

3.1.6. visual thinking

3.1.7. spatial thinking

3.1.8. visual literacy

3.1.9. digital age reflection

3.2. Technology has become a big part of life and it is important that everyone learns how to use it

3.3. People should adapt to the curriculum and add it to the new skill set

3.4. By learning about these skills, it will help them to adapt to the skills in the 21st century

4. The World Is Different

5. Students are Different

5.1. By offering technology, we can provide different types of learning, which could help students who learn differently.

5.2. It is important that everyone knows how to use technology for the future because it will help us with future careers

5.3. People grow up with technology, so it is important that people know how to use it