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Resilience Lab af Mind Map: Resilience Lab

1. Meeting Attendees

1.1. Venessa

1.1.1. www.emergentbydesign.com

1.1.2. Collaboratory software

1.1.3. Super hero school live and play resilience lab

1.2. Anna Palmer

1.2.1. http://winwinapps.com

1.2.2. VC/ CSR support

1.2.3. CSE/ Venture Foundery alternative funding for CPGs/technology founder-y

1.3. Meghan Giroux

1.3.1. Edible Landscaping

1.4. Matt Sayre

1.4.1. UVM

1.4.2. Alternative energy funding

1.4.3. Sweet Things Farm

1.5. Kathy Blume

1.5.1. New node Artistic acts in the face of intractable situations

1.6. Amy Kirshner

1.6.1. VBSR Marketplace Alternative currency

1.7. Alex Tursi

1.7.1. KSV/PR and social media

1.8. Tim

1.8.1. Champlain Land Trust?

1.9. Chris Lindstrom

1.9.1. Board Member: Slow Money http://www.slowmoney.org/

1.9.2. http://www.credibles.org

1.10. Kira

1.10.1. http://www.pollin8r.com

1.10.2. http://www.foodmatchit.com

1.10.3. http://www.foodfotobank.com

2. What is Resilience?

2.1. Just

2.2. Humane

2.3. Respecting Limits

2.4. Practical

2.5. Magical

2.6. Local

2.7. Connected

2.8. Responsive

2.9. Adaptable

2.10. Fluid

2.11. Courageous

2.12. Hopeful

2.13. Creative

2.14. Joyous

2.15. Playful

2.16. Appropriate

2.17. beautiful

2.18. outreaching

2.19. bouyant

3. $ matters/tools How do we move resources, monetary/non-monetary?

3.1. Crowd Funding

3.1.1. Pathway to non-monetary meeting of needs

3.1.2. http://www.startupexemption.com/?utm_source=SUE+List&utm_campaign=d6f2b9e5ae-2012_Update1_6_2012&utm_medium=email#axzz1j11bsqEc

3.1.3. http://www.credibles.org

3.2. activating frozen assets

3.3. mutual credit/trade

3.4. Time Dollars/time banking

4. Assets

4.1. Education

4.2. Workspace

4.3. Networking

4.4. Design Services

4.5. Legal/Biz services

4.6. Help with funding

5. Action Values

5.1. Do as much good as possible with single resource

5.2. Stewardship

5.3. Reinventing Ownership

5.4. Swarm

5.5. Meritocracy

6. Pathways

6.1. fellows

7. pain points what crises are we addressing?

7.1. Failing economy

7.2. environmental risks

7.3. Fear based media/citizens

7.4. We can't depend on old structures and systems

7.5. New node

8. Mission

8.1. Enlighten/Empower/Support

8.2. Mission will be evolving/unfolding

8.3. Unfolding 21st Century Renaissance

9. Containters

9.1. Knowledge sharing

9.2. Pop up/stewardship

9.3. Tools

9.3.1. FAB lab

9.3.2. Hack Lab

9.3.3. Commercial Kitchen

9.4. People

9.4.1. Have resources/need resources

9.5. Swarm

9.5.1. carrot mobbing/permablitzing

10. New node

11. New node