Bryan Alexis Moreno Malagon

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Bryan Alexis Moreno Malagon af Mind Map: Bryan Alexis Moreno Malagon


1.1. I love memes with an absurd sense

1.2. I like the guitar solo

1.3. I like to cook

2. Interests

2.1. I am very passionate about the history of mankind

2.2. I really like games where you are god and you handle the threads of humanity

2.3. I love listening to conspiracy theories

3. Hobbies

3.1. practice skaterboard

3.2. Play Videogames

3.3. Play football with my university´s firends

3.4. Listen music all the time

4. Goals

4.1. Buy a house for my mom

4.2. Become me a pro player and play in a professional esports team

4.3. I want to buy a Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

4.4. Conver