Teaching with Technology

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Teaching with Technology af Mind Map: Teaching with Technology

1. Research

1.1. Impacts on student acheivement

1.2. Effects of edtech on cognition and behavior

1.3. increase in student motivation to practice

2. Benefits

2.1. digital literacy

2.2. crucial for low-income students to have exposure during school

2.3. workforce readiness

2.4. advancing STEM technologies

3. Weaknesses

3.1. one and done examples and not true integration

3.2. digital generation gap

3.3. lack of buy in from textbook companies

3.4. cost for schools/family

4. Examples...

4.1. Clickers

4.2. Computer software

4.3. Tablet Apps

4.4. interactive whiteboards

4.5. mobile devices

4.6. Internet