AWS Reserved Instances

AWS EC2 Reserved Instances

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AWS Reserved Instances af Mind Map: AWS Reserved Instances

1. Types

1.1. Standard

1.1.1. Can be sold in the RI marketplace

1.2. Convertible

1.2.1. Standard vs. Convertible Offering Classes - Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances and Other AWS Service Reservation Models

1.2.2. Cannot be sold

1.3. Scheduled

1.4. Dedicated

2. Links

2.1. Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances

3. Tenancy

3.1. Default

3.2. Dedicated

4. Payment

4.1. No Upfront

4.2. Partial Upfront

4.3. Full upfront

5. Terms

5.1. 1y

5.2. 3y

6. How does it work

6.1. Purchase per region (or AZ)

6.2. Commit to OS and type

6.3. RI discount applies to a running instances within the same family

6.3.1. m4.2xl = 2 X m4.xl

6.4. Organization & subaccounts

7. RDS

7.1. No Upfront is only for 1 year

7.2. Pricing

7.3. Working with RI

7.4. Aurora

7.5. Size-flexible