the most ethical thing

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the most ethical thing af Mind Map: the most ethical thing

1. martyrs

1.1. impact

1.2. representational

1.3. subversive

1.4. honoring

1.4.1. twisting

1.5. facillitate

1.5.1. inspire power quote that "more anti coal activists will sprout from her blood"

1.6. activate

2. purposeful obliviousness

2.1. strategic

2.1.1. path of least resistance

2.2. MAYA

2.2.1. anarchism

2.3. hopelessness

2.3.1. anxiety fear

2.4. optomism bias

2.4.1. pessimism bias

2.5. willful neglect

2.5.1. deliberate ignorance civic negligence

2.6. willful negligence of your own power

3. policy

3.1. stability

3.2. perception of upward mobility

3.3. strategic planning

3.3.1. timing

4. cycles

4.1. death

4.1.1. decay nutrients new

4.2. revolution

4.2.1. subjugation

5. the earth will adapt and survive (but we will not)

5.1. The World Without Us

5.2. climate science

6. science

6.1. should we exist?

7. facilitating conversation

7.1. asking questions

7.1.1. raising CONCIOUSNESS

7.2. considering the space

7.3. process

7.4. engagement

7.5. activate

7.5.1. movement what does organizing look like?

8. setting the stage

8.1. performative

8.1.1. movement

8.2. making & sharing

8.2.1. conversation action

8.3. repetition

8.4. experimentation

9. materials

9.1. making

9.1.1. prayer flags

9.2. performance

9.2.1. writing

9.3. language

9.4. installation

9.4.1. countdown clock

10. power

10.1. an artist's power

10.1.1. one more voice

10.2. community power

10.2.1. strength in numbers voting power power of assembly

10.3. lack of power

10.4. martyrdom

10.4.1. Rest in Power

10.4.2. inspiring "on the ground where Ate Glo’s (Capitan) body fell, where the blood from her body flows, more anti-coal activists will sprout"

11. time

11.1. 11 years

11.2. lifetime

11.3. countdown clock