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Uses of the Ocean af Mind Map: Uses of the Ocean

1. Energy Resources

1.1. Non Renewable Energy

1.1.1. Oil, flammable ice

1.2. Renewable Energy

1.2.1. Tidal Energy

2. Climate regulation

2.1. Primary source of oxygen

2.2. Cools down the atmosphere

2.3. Absorbs CO2

3. Economic opportunities

3.1. Fishing

3.2. Fuel/mineral extraction

3.2.1. Oil, salt, iron

3.3. Tourism

3.3.1. Great Barrier Reef

3.4. Recreation

3.4.1. Cruise ships

3.4.2. Scuba diving

3.4.3. Snorkelling

4. Exploration

4.1. Predict earthquakes and tsunamis

4.2. Discovery of new specifies

5. Food Supply

5.1. Fish

5.2. Shrimps

5.3. Crabs

5.4. Seaweed

6. Medicine

6.1. Horseshoe crab blood

6.2. Seahorse

6.3. Pacific cone snail

6.4. Sea Sponge

7. Transportation

7.1. Shipping industry