Year End Tax planning for Individuals

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Year End Tax planning for Individuals af Mind Map: Year End Tax planning for Individuals

1. Earnings

1.1. Bonuses

1.2. BIKs - cars

1.3. BIKs- Others

2. Savings and Investments

2.1. savings and dividend income

2.2. ISAs

2.3. Tax favoured investments

2.4. Life insurance policies

3. Pensions

3.1. Pension contributions

3.2. Pension flexibilities

4. Charitable giving

5. Planning ahead

5.1. Future tax changes

6. Property Income

6.1. Rent a room relief

6.2. Property businesses

6.3. Property allowance

6.4. Furnished holiday lettings

7. General Approach

7.1. Use of Personal allowance

7.2. Spouse/Partners

7.3. Children

7.4. Compliance

8. capital gains tax

8.1. General CGT planning

9. Inheritance tax

9.1. General IHT planning

9.2. Wills