Habits of Highly Effective People

timhobson mindmap

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Habits of Highly Effective People af Mind Map: Habits of Highly Effective People

1. Think Win-Win

1.1. Stick to your original beliefs.

1.2. Working cooperatively instead of competitively.

1.3. connection: group projects

1.4. https://images.fineartamerica.com/images-medium-large-5/1-baseball-player-batting-isolated-cartoon-aloysius-patrimonio.jpg

2. Seek first to understand, then to be understood

2.1. Listening skills

2.2. Respecting other people's ideas

2.3. Relating to other people with your own experiences

2.4. Communicating effectively

2.5. connection: illustrating concepts during engineering camp

2.6. https://collegeinfogeek.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/sitting-to-take-notes.jpg

3. Sharpen the saw

3.1. Keeping your skills viable

3.2. Restudying information you forget

3.3. Physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health

3.4. connection: Having to restudy concepts this year for math

3.5. http://www.luxetravel.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Elephant-Painting3.jpg

4. https://cdn0.tnwcdn.com/wp-content/blogs.dir/1/files/2016/11/shutterstock_148712276-796x531.jpg

5. Proactivity

5.1. Taking responsibility for yourself.

5.2. Not blaming outside influences for your failures.

5.3. Focusing on areas you have control over.

5.4. connection: trying to learn python

6. "Beginning with the end in mind"

6.1. Having a clear goal

6.2. mental(1st) and physical(2nd) creation

6.3. Eagle project mental- first plan (pre-summer) phsyical- post-summer result

6.4. https://www.9sprint.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/9s-blueprint.jpg

7. Put first things first

7.1. Prioritizing what's important

7.2. Time management

7.3. "swallow the frog" philosophy

7.4. https://cooperator.com/_data/ny/articles/6859_image1.jpg?w=793

8. Synergizing

8.1. Teamwork

8.2. Complimenting coworker's strengths and weaknesses

8.3. connection: delegating tasks for eagle project

8.4. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/14/Gears_animation.gif