empowerment technology

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empowerment technology af Mind Map: empowerment technology

1. cloud computing- stumbled upon the term cluod to previous discussions

2. WYSIWYG is the acronomyn for what you see what you get.

3. header it is clicking the text that will allow you to edit the text and change its font size

4. website its allows to change your site and title former

5. web portals is a website that contains to information.

6. labels adds labels found on the tp of the card.

7. videos thourgh video hosting sites you can take a video and show its entire world

8. podcasts series of audio or text files steamed

9. courseware courses that simulate the classroom online

10. social media platforms- allow you to create not only personal accounts and also you can share content

11. blogging platforms- websites like wordpress,tumblr,and blogger focus on content and design

12. settings it contains important information that you should.

13. position arranges the osition of the card in relation to other cards.

14. members tags memebers on the card.

15. online tests online survey forms and tests automatically the results when finished.

16. vodcasts show like video game and others.

17. sed is a premium that maximizes the search engine optimization.

18. emai and domain management is a premium feature to used to manage email accounts for your website