History of computing

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History of computing af Mind Map: History of computing

1. Development of the World Wide Web

2. The emergence of social and Ethical Problems in Computing

2.1. The Emergence of Computer Crimes

2.2. The Present Status: An Uneasy Cyberspace

3. The Case for Computer Ethics Education

3.1. What is Computer Ethics.?

3.2. Why You Should study Computer Ethics. ?

4. The Development of Computer Software and the PC

4.1. Computer were first designed , and then the software was designed to fit the hardware

5. Historical development of Computing & IT

5.1. Historical Background

5.1.1. Before 2000 BC The first prime numbers recorded

5.1.2. 500 BC The invention of the abacus

5.1.3. 1876 The invention of the first keyboard

5.1.4. 1976 The development of the first microprocessor

5.1.5. Slide 1,2

5.2. The Development of the Microprocessor

5.2.1. 4004

5.2.2. 8008

5.2.3. 8080

5.2.4. 6800

5.2.5. 6502

6. Development of the internet

6.1. 1961

6.1.1. Leonard Kleinrock at MIT came up with packet switching.

6.2. 1965

6.2.1. Lawrence Robert at (MIT) connected computer in Boston to another in LA with low-speed dial-up telephone line (First WAN)

6.3. 1966

6.3.1. Robert join Licklider in DARPA to develop the computer network concept.

6.4. 1969

6.4.1. Publishing the first plan for ARPANET

6.5. Slide 6,7