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Objectivity af Mind Map: Objectivity

1. Value Judgements

1.1. Objective as 'good'

1.2. * neutral and even handed, impartial and free from bias, fair and just, truthful, open-minded, nonpartisan

1.3. Subjective as 'bad'

1.4. *filled with bias, judgement, invalid observation, prejudice

2. Scientific Method

2.1. Does objectivity equal standardization

2.2. this is a damaging myth

2.3. value laden inquiry

2.4. factual does not mean unbiased

3. Influences

3.1. * culture

3.2. * individual vs group think

3.3. * experience-learning

3.4. * problem-investigation-subject matter

3.5. * time period

3.6. * language

4. Why objectivity

4.1. *professionalism

4.2. * intellect

4.3. * authority

4.4. * justification of viewpoint