Why is Columbia University a world-class learning institution?

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Why is Columbia University a world-class learning institution? af Mind Map: Why is Columbia University a world-class learning institution?

1. History of the university

1.1. The university's old history makes it stand as witness to the development of thought and academia

2. Everyone wants to be a Columbia ID holder and a Columbia Grad...

3. Variety of classes and programs to choose from

4. Location: located in the heart of NY, CU is an attractive university for American and int'l students as well.

4.1. Convenient transportation

4.2. Great housing options

4.3. Located close to NY's greatest attractions

5. Diverse student and academic body

5.1. You can meet students from all over the world

5.2. You don't have to travel the world to get to know cultures owing to the diverse student body at CU

6. Because it's an IVY League school

6.1. the school's listed among the top universities according to major ranking bodies including Times Higher Education and U.S. News Report.

7. Contribution to research

7.1. CU's publications add to richness to the already-existing literature.

8. International partnerships with a number of other countries