MY - ADDIE Mind Map

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MY - ADDIE Mind Map af Mind Map: MY - ADDIE Mind Map


1.1. Make Training Available to Learners

1.1.1. - Make training live (whether uploading into system for digital courses or scheduling and opening up trainings for live sessions) -Market training to increase awareness


2.1. Collecting Feedback and Data and Iterating

2.1.1. - Collect qualitative and quantitative data (surveys, feedback forms, conversations, etc.) - Collect Feedback - Measure impact of the training (because learners do this, now they are doing XYZ or we can see impact because XYZ) - Evaluate resources vs. impact - Evaluate resources, employee and company resources (where should we add more, what can we remove, etc.) - ITERATE


3.1. Use Feedback to Create a Finalized Training

3.1.1. - Make changes based on feedback from Team, Stakeholders, and Learner Test Group - Finalize talk track, course, materials

4. Evaluation - Ongoing

4.1. Feedback and iteration are never done. Continue collecting feedback, evaluating what is important, relevant and feasible and iterate.


5.1. Analyze Current Situation - Needs Analysis

5.1.1. - Who is the audience? - What do our learners want vs. what are we trying to achieve? - What is the business need and impact? - Does a training exist or will it need to be created? - If it already exists, what is working and what is not? - If it already exists, what is missing and should be added or what is not necessary and can be removed? - If it needs to be created what are the next steps?


6.1. Actual Training Build - Rough/First Draft

6.1.1. - Determine objectives - Emphasize the"what's in it for me" for your learners - Ensure there is alignment between company, learners, and training - Teaching notes (agenda, timeline, etc.) - Determine delivery method - Rough Build - 1st draft


7.1. Use Feedback to Create a Full Training

7.1.1. - Make changes based on feedback from Team, Stakeholders, and Learner Test Group - Flush out rough build/1st draft to create finished product - Finalize talk track - Finalize supporting materials (workbooks, job aids, etc.)

8. Evaluation

8.1. 1st Evaluation - Review with Learning Team - Review with Stakeholders

9. Evaluation

9.1. 2nd Evaluation - Review with Learning Team - Review with Stakeholders - Review with Learner Test Group (a group of learners who make up the intended audience)

10. Evaluation

10.1. 3rd Evaluation - Dry run of course with Learning Team and Stakeholders - Dry run of course with members of the Learner Test Group (include some members from the original group as well as new people - but still within the intended audience)