Universal Design for Learning: Start with this in mind for success for all students in your class...

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Universal Design for Learning: Start with this in mind for success for all students in your classroom. af Mind Map: Universal Design for Learning: Start with this in mind for success for all students in your classroom.

1. There are 3 theoretical foundations for learning: They all have value but Constructivism lends well to an accessible classroom (UDL) for all.

1.1. Behaviorism

1.2. Cognitivism

1.3. Constructivism

1.3.1. Builds upon prior knowledge and experiences and can promote individualization of learning.

2. There are several Constructivist teaching models that fall naturally into the Universal Design for Learning. They are hands on and accessible in a variety of ways for nearly all students.

2.1. Problem Solving

2.2. Project Based

2.3. Case Based

2.4. Inquiry Based

2.5. Discovery

2.6. Engaged Learning

3. Multimodal learning in UDL often involves using technology and the internet. It is a teacher's responsibility to model and teach good Digital Citizenship.

3.1. Following copyright law is an extremely important part of being a good digital citizen.