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1. L.Vygotsky Theory

1.1. Cognitive Development

1.2. Language Development

2. Social & Cultural

2.1. Learners Interact with

2.2. Cultural Influences

3. Vygotsky’s theory states that knowledge is co-constructed and that individuals learn from one another. It is called a social constructivist theory because in Vygotsky’s opinion the learner must be engaged in the learning process. Learning happens with the assistance of other people, thus contributing the social aspect of the theory. A fundamental aspect of Vygotsky’s

4. This is a “range of tasks that are too difficult for an individual to master alone, but can be mastered with the assistance or guidance of adults or more-skilled peers

5. Scaffolding

5.1. children construct knowledge

5.2. learning guide development

5.3. Learning happens with the assistance of other people, thus contributing the social aspect of the theory.

5.3.1. scaffolding, which is giving the learner the right amount of assistance at the right time. If the learner can perform a task with some assistance, then he or she is closer to mastering it

6. Hands on Learning

6.1. self discovery

6.2. learning the world in which the live

7. Zone of Proximal Development