Problem & Population (Sorrell 202.811)

This map illustrates my online English 202.811 students' initial choice of problems to work on for the semester.

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Problem & Population (Sorrell 202.811) af Mind Map: Problem & Population (Sorrell 202.811)

1. Drugs

1.1. Opioid Epidemic

1.1.1. Indiana, PA

1.1.2. Butler County

1.1.3. Allegheny County

1.1.4. Pittsburgh

1.1.5. Cambria County

1.2. Methamphetamine abuse

1.2.1. Jefferson County

1.3. Child endangerment

1.3.1. Clearfield County

2. Infrastructure

2.1. Flooding

2.1.1. Penn Hills

2.2. Sinkholes

2.2.1. Reading

2.3. Affordable housing

2.3.1. Allentown

2.4. Lack of volunteer firemen

2.4.1. Pine Township, Indiana County

3. Crime

3.1. Violence against police

3.1.1. Lower Burrell/New Kensington

3.2. Harsh sentencing for petty crimes

3.2.1. Eerie County