Avora Network

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Avora Network af Mind Map: Avora Network

1. Story

1.1. Add more here, was never really informed about what was discussed at the last meeting

2. Staff

2.1. Moderation

2.2. Quality

2.3. Development

2.4. Staff Management

2.5. Marketing

3. Advertising

3.1. Partnerships

3.2. Investments

3.2.1. Google Ads

3.2.2. Facebook Ads (Cheap)

3.3. Hand to hand

3.3.1. Community

3.3.2. Staff

4. Community Motivation

4.1. Frequent Events

4.2. Friendly and Active Staff

4.3. After some time

4.3.1. Giveaways

5. Requirements

5.1. A decent server

5.2. Some money

5.3. Domain

5.3.1. avoramc.net?