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Thermotherapy af Mind Map: Thermotherapy

1. Paraffin Baths

1.1. Provide six times the amount of heat available in water because the mineral oil in the paraffin lowers the melting point of the paraffin

1.2. Tissue temperature increases

1.3. Pain relief occurs

1.4. Thermal hyperthermia occurs

1.5. Capillary dilation and blood supply in the treated segment increase

2. 3 Mechanisms of Heat Transmission

2.1. Conduction: Heat gain or loss through direct contact

2.2. Convection: Heat gain or loss through movement of water molecules across skin

2.3. Radiation: Process of emitting energy from one source in the form of waves

3. Heat is believed to have a relaxing effect on muscle tone

3.1. Lessens threshold of muscle spindle

3.2. Decreases Gamma efferent firing rate

3.3. Muscle spindle is more easily stimulated

3.4. When heat is applied: Increase elasticity and decrease viscosity of connective tissue

4. Physiological Effects on Tissue

4.1. Increase blood flow

4.2. Removal of metabolites and other products of inflammatory process

4.3. Increase muscle/tissue temperature to stimulate analgesia

4.4. Increase nutrients damaged to cells

4.5. Increase capillary permeability

4.6. Vasodilation (Stimulation in the posterior hypothalamus)

4.7. Increase elasticity of muscle/ligament

5. Warm Whirlpool

5.1. UE: 98F - 110F

5.2. LE: 98F - 104F

5.3. FB: 69F - 102F

5.4. Treatment time: approximately 15 - 20 minutes to simulate vasodilation and reduce muscle spasm

5.5. Most abused modality but good post-surgical modality since it increases systemic blood flow and mobilization

6. Hydrocollator Packs

6.1. Circulation is increased

6.2. Muscle temperature is increased

6.3. Tissue temperature is increased

6.4. Spasms are relaxed

6.5. Treatment time: 15-20 minutes

6.6. Hot packs have been shown to attenuate Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) 30 minutes after treatment

7. Appropriate Use of modality

7.1. Increase of edema can further damage the tissue

7.2. Should be used during chronic stages to increase blood flow to the area

7.3. Used for analgesic affect through Gate Control Theory

7.4. Ultrasound and Diathermy are used to achieve a deeper heating and increasing range of motion

7.5. Superficial heating produces lower tissue temperatures at the site of the pathology relative to the higher temperatures in the superficial tissues resulting in analgesia (loss of sensibility to pain)