My carbon footprint in my everyday life

Here is my first mind up, enjoy it.

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My carbon footprint in my everyday life af Mind Map: My carbon footprint in my everyday life

1. Home, where ecoculture borns

1.1. No plastic bags, use Tocuyo's fabric, otherwise even in supermarkets you will pay for it.

1.2. Do not let the TV plugged in

1.3. Charge your cellphone in airplane mode and after leave the charger unplugged

1.4. Use ecolight bulbs, it is also cheaper.

2. What I use to do wrong

2.1. Throwing my used papers when I could get some money for it.

2.2. I used to Charge my mobile until 100%, but it is recommended just 80%, think in your battery.

2.3. Going with car just being the place to 7 streets, be patient and think in the environment.

3. My Food

3.1. Fruits like orange( C vitamine)

3.2. Bananas( We get potasium, which help to get energy for the muscles)

3.3. Avoid meat, from cows and pigs also, this last is so consumed in our region, but I suggest it should be eaten just in festivities.

3.4. Try to buy local food, since it is more at your fingertips and less expensive.

4. Through transport

4.1. I prefer to use my bike or going walking

4.2. Avoid private transport

4.3. If you have a car follow its upkeep to prevent CO