My Personal Learning Network

Just an initial demo map, so that you don't start with an empty map list ...

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My Personal Learning Network af Mind Map: My Personal Learning Network

1. College

1.1. Professors

1.2. Classmates

1.3. Organizations

1.3.1. LSCS

1.3.2. Moomedia

2. Highschool

2.1. Teachers

2.2. Friends

3. Social Networks

3.1. Facebook

3.1.1. Family

3.1.2. Friends

3.1.3. Various Groups

3.2. Twitter

3.2.1. Follow

4. Hobbies

4.1. Surfing the web

4.2. Listening to music

4.3. Playing the guitar

5. Passion

5.1. Computer programming and designing

5.1.1. Applications

5.2. Music

5.2.1. Guitar Playing and making music