Paradox:To save their lives, the accused must lie or die if they tell the truth.

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Paradox:To save their lives, the accused must lie or die if they tell the truth. af Mind Map: Paradox:To save their lives, the accused must lie or die if they tell the truth.

1. A character that is influenced by the paradox is John Hale. An example would be "I come to do the Devil’s work. I come to counsel Christians they should belie themselves. There is blood on my head! Can you not see the blood on my head!!" (Act 4, pg 4). Hale's part in the play was trying to get the innocent prisoners to confess to witchcraft because it would save their lives. Which is ironic because he himself is never in any danger.

2. A character that is deeply affected by the paradox is John Proctor. An example would be "Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and sign myself to lies! Because I am not worth the dust on the feet of them that hang! How may I live without my name? I have given you my soul; leave me my name!" (Act 4, pg 10). John has just falsely confessed but stops his signed confession from being posted around town because he wants to honor his family name. As a result of his actions (telling the truth), his punishment is death.

3. A paradox is a statement contains two ideas that contradict each other but are true at the same time. An example would be going to war to bring about peace. My paradox is a paradox it contradicts itself because in reality you wouldn't die if you told the truth about something. It also describes/influences how the characters act.

4. The paradox reveals that the characters must say things that aren't true to survive and vice versa. The paradox is really the main conflict of the story. The characters affected by the paradox the most were John and Elizabeth Proctor. I believe it affected them the way it did because they were married.

5. A character that starts the paradox is Abigail. An example would be "I want to open myself!... I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I danced for the Devil; I saw him, I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!" (Act 1, pg 15). Tituba’s false confession was the perfect thing to happen to get Abigail off the hook. The last thing Abigail does to solidify her plan is falsely confessing to witchcraft (which in turn starts the paradox).

6. A character exercised the paradox is Deputy Governor Danforth. An example would be"Hang them high over the town! Who weeps for these, weeps for corruption!"(Act 4, pg 11). Danforth' main role in the play was basically the executioner. Most people of Salem know the witch trials are a sham, but Danforth believes that he is doing God's work.