Electricity Mind Map

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Electricity Mind Map af Mind Map: Electricity Mind Map

1. Sources Of Power

1.1. There are electric power plants

1.1.1. Electricity is very helpful as it could help with a lot of things Hospitals use electricity to run their machines for surgeries Education since most of the time the teachers use projectors to show what we are going to work on Overall electricity is very helpful in our modern lives since we use electricity for most of the things we own For example, the entertainment that we use on the daily basis

1.1.2. Generators

1.1.3. Wind turbines

1.1.4. Damps

2. Conservation Of Electricity

2.1. Conservation helps reduce the amount of energy we use

2.1.1. It can also be very good to do since it helps us save money on our electric bill

2.1.2. We can use solar panels to use the sun as a form of power instead

2.1.3. LED lights use less power too

2.1.4. Dry your clothes by air instead of using the dryer

3. Questions about electricity

3.1. When did the people who discovered electricity realize how much potential it had?

3.2. Why is there different types of electricity?

3.3. Why is electricty so important?

3.4. What would happen if electricity never existed?

3.5. How has electricity changed throughout these years?

3.6. What is electricity made of?

3.7. How fast does electricity move around?

4. Voltage, Current, Resistance

4.1. Voltage

4.1.1. A spark of electricity can measure a lot of volts Voltages could be dangerous That is why when you walk in the street you see "Danger High Voltage" Signs on green boxes

4.2. Current

4.2.1. For current i learned working with my dad that there are 2 types AC which is alternating current I do not know very much about AC but all i know is that AC is constantly changing directions Also DC which is direct current While on the other hand DC is always stays in one direction

4.3. Resistance

4.3.1. I am not to sure but it could possibly be the ratio between current and voltage

5. Static Electricity

5.1. You could be killed by static electricity

5.1.1. Static Charges are measured in Mj (millijoules) Rubbing your feet against the carpet generates mj that is why we feel static Also rubbing a balloon against our hair also creates static electricty which is why our hair stands up I am not sure how much it is but its around 1000 millijoules for someone to die from a static charge

5.2. There are positive and negative charges

5.3. Static electricty is very useful in the real world

5.3.1. It can also cause damage to (for example) computers

5.3.2. I am pretty sure that laser printers use static electricity because of the laser

5.4. Friction

6. Circuits (Parallel/Series

6.1. Inside Computers

6.2. A path for electricity to flow through

6.3. 2 types of circuits