PE-63937 Rescoring

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PE-63937 Rescoring af Mind Map: PE-63937 Rescoring

1. Coverage Traceability

1.1. Test TypeColor Key

1.1.1. Manual

1.1.2. UI

1.1.3. Integration

2. Release Strategy

2.1. Availability

2.2. Release Date

3. Flag Strategy

3.1. Flag Name:

3.2. Flag Type:

3.3. Flag Cleanup Date:

4. Execution Strategy

4.1. QA Owner

4.2. Test Environment Workflow Strategy

5. Things/Tools Needed to Test

6. Out of Scope

7. Questions

8. Language Translation

8.1. Spanish Translation

8.2. Portuguese translation

9. Story Testing

10. Integration Testing

11. Exploratory Testing

12. Regression Testing

13. Performance/Capacity Planning and Observability

13.1. Link to Capacity Planning Documentation

13.1.1. Business Impact Upon failure

13.1.2. Time to scale up - servers

13.1.3. Time to scale down - servers

13.1.4. SLO for Processing data

13.1.5. Expected capacity for storage at high load at low load how will the storage scale

14. Security Testing

14.1. What are the points of vulnerability?

14.1.1. XSS

14.1.2. IDOR

14.1.3. CSRF

15. Mobile Testing

16. Third-Party Apps

17. Accessibility Testing

17.1. Accessibility Scenarios (link)